School Council Membership
The constituting Order of Croydon Hills Primary School states the composition of the Council is:
8 elected parent members. Parent members that are DET employees, but not of the school, are counted in this number; the exception being when determining a quorum.
5 elected DET employee members. The principal who is executive officer is included in this number.
Up to 2 of community members. It should be noted that community membership is optional and that these positions are co-opted, rather than elected. DET employees are not eligible for co-option to this category.
Office Bearers
The Regulations requires there be at least two office bearers – the president and the executive officer:
The president is elected by all members of school council and may not be a DET employee.
The position of executive officer is filled by the principal. The principal is a full member of council with the same voting rights as other councillors.
The vice president is elected by all members of school council. As the vice president may need to chair a meeting in the absence of the president, it is recommended this position should be filled by a non DET parent member or community member.
Other potential office bearers:
The treasurer will be the convener of the finance sub-committee and is appointed by school council. It is recommended this position be held by a non DET parent member or a community member. This position should not be filled by the office manager / bursar.
The minute secretary may be either an elected member of school council or a person appointed to this role who is not a member of school council and is therefore a silent observer with no voting rights.
Sub-committees assist council in all the work that needs to be done. They report regularly at school council meetings, provide advice and make recommendations to council, which has the final responsibility for decisions. Sub-committees cannot make decisions for school council, rather they make recommendations to council.
All school councillors are expected to play an active role in at least one sub-committee.
All Sub-committee minutes are to be lodged as soon as practicable, preferably by the Friday prior to the meeting, with the School Council Secretary for lodgment on the School Council website for review prior to the next School Council meeting.
Any update on the submitted reports can be presented verbally.
All reports to be accepted as tabled with the Agenda before any discussion to take place.
Sub-Committee reports may be accepted after this date and then they must be distributed immediately prior to the meeting.
The School Council will have the following sub-committees:
Facilities and the Learning Environment
Publicity and Communications
Croydon Hills Association of Parents (CHAPS) incorporating Men of the Hills (MOTHS)
Out of Hours School Care Program
Each sub-committee will be chaired by a member of school council unless otherwise decided by council. A sub- committee must include at least one school council member and have at least three other members.
School Council Meetings
School council meetings are open to the school community. Please announce your attendance and interest prior to the meeting by emailing
Standing Orders dictate that guests:
Must direct all their comments through the chairperson.
Raise issue in writing to the President prior to the meeting.
Have no voting rights.
School Council meet in the staffroom at 7:30pm on the third Wednesday of the month (except December):
February 21st
March 20th (AGM)
May 15th
June 19th
August 21st
September 18th
October 16th
November 20th
December 11th
Sub-Committees meet at various times:
Finance – 3rd Wednesday of every month at 9:05am
Education – 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm
Facilities and the Learning Environment – 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm
Publicity and Communications – 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm
Croydon Hills Association of Parents (CHAPS) – TBC
Men of the Hills (MOTHS) – TBC
Uniform Shop – TBC
Canteen – TBC
Out of Hours School Care Program – TBC
Sub-committee members may ‘dial-in’.
If you would like to join a subcommittee or learn more about the role the School Council plays in school governance please visit email or visit the Department’s website.
© Copyright Croydon Hills Primary School