Specialist Digital Technology Classes
- Year Levels - 5, 6
- Weekly Sessions - 50 mins
At Croydon Hills Primary School students have access to a range of resources including:
- A Computer Lab with Windows desktop machines.
- Dedicated STEM (Science & Digital Technology) Teacher
- Classroom iPad Program (Year P - 1)
- Classroom Chromebook Program (Year 2 -4)
- 1:1 School Supplied Chromebook Program (Year 5 - 6)
- Green Screen Filming
- 3D Printer
- Digital Technologies Lunchtime Club
- Dedicated Year 6 Digital Technologies student leaders
Digital Technologies Curriculum:
Croydon Hills Primary School follows the Victorian Digital Technologies curriculum.
The Digital Technologies curriculum aims to ensure that students can:
- design, create, manage and evaluate sustainable and innovative digital solutions to meet and redefine current and future needs
- use computational thinking and the key concepts of abstraction; data collection, representation and interpretation; specification, algorithms and development to create digital solutions
- apply systems thinking to monitor, analyse, predict and shape the interactions within and between information systems and the impact of these systems on individuals, societies, economies and environments
- confidently use digital systems to efficiently and effectively automate the transformation of data into information and to creatively communicate ideas in a range of settings
- apply protocols and legal practices that support safe, ethical and respectful communications and collaboration with known and unknown audiences.
Useful links: