Croydon Hills Association of Parents (CHAPS)
Croydon Hills Primary School has an active parent community. Croydon Hills Association of Parents are the school's formal parent group that work directly with the Principal Team to enrich daily life of the school community.
'As parents of Croydon Hills Primary School students we all share an interest in making our school the best it can be. The CHAPS team exists to support and service our school by co-ordinating a range of fundraising events throughout the year. Without these events, our school simply wouldn’t have the extra funds to invest in resources that help make CHPS such an exceptional and loved school.'
Did you know that CHAPS has funded all of our school playgrounds?
CHAPS co-ordinates and runs community events such as the Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day Stalls, the Colour Run, and trivia nights, all to help make the year more enjoyable for parents and students. Not only are they a great way for the community to stay connected, they fundraise for the school too!
It’s easy to get involved.
Being an active CHAPS member is a great way to stay in touch with what’s happening throughout our school, plus it’s a great opportunity to meet other like-minded parents who want to help make a difference. Here’s how you can get involved:
Come along to a meeting – CHAPS meets the second Monday of each month in the Staff Room. Meetings involve the school's Principal Christian Holdsworth providing a monthly report on school business, updating each other on the events and fundraisers we're doing for the school and - having lots of laughs! It’s a great way to find out what’s going on and sharing any feedback you may have on the school, or contributing to the life of the school!
Join the committee – If you're interested in joining the committee for contact CHAPS President Danielle Bell
Volunteer to help at an event– Any contribution is always greatly appreciated. Please email if you would like to help at anytime.
Follow CHAPS on Facebook- CHAPS has a closed Facebook group that is used to promote and celebrate community events. Second hand uniform exchanges are also managed through this page.
Ideas, suggestions?
We are always looking for new and fun fundraising ideas or events.
If you have any suggestions or feedback please contact us or hand your written suggestion to the office.
© Copyright Croydon Hills Primary School