2026 Prep Enrolments


Our school zone

Croydon Hills Primary School is proudly a school of choice in the area.  Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.


All students permanently residing within our school zone, and siblings of current students, are guaranteed a place at Croydon Hills Primary School.  All students who seek enrolment residing outside of our designated neighbourhood school will be enrolled in the school if there is sufficient accommodation available. Where there is insufficient accommodation at the school, students will be enrolled according to the Placement Policy’s priority order of placement (in order of closeness of their home to the school) so we welcome families who reside outside of our zone to put in an application form for consideration. 


Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.  All students that reside within the area of a designated neighbourhood school (referred to as a ‘school zone’) are automatically offered an enrolment. Find my School website provides guidance on which school zone a student’s permanent residence is located within.


For more information, you can:

2026 Foundation (Prep) enrolments 

It is important to note that the placement policy is followed by all government schools. You can view the placement policy here. Your chances of being offered a place in the schools you apply for are not advantaged or disadvantaged by using this system.


Victorian government school enrolments for Foundation (Prep) for the 2026 school year will open mid April 2025.



What you need to do:

  1. Contact our school to book a school tour or to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our Enrolment Officer, Nicole Mattingley at nicole.mattingley@education.vic.gov.au. Nicole welcomes any additional questions via phone 9725 1206, email or by completing the enquiry form below. 


2025 Enrolments 

If you have recently moved into the area or would like to apply to Croydon Hills Primary this year, please click here to read the quick reference guide for instructions on how to complete the new online enrolment process.


The direct link to apply for a place online at this school is available here.  

School Tours                                                                      

Small-group School Tours for Prep 2026 are available during Term 2 on Tuesdays (9:30am), Wednesdays (12:30pm) and Thursdays (9:30am) through until 3rd July.  Bookings are essential, so please call the school or complete the form below, to reserve your place.  We invite you to view our Virtual Tour of Croydon Hills Primary School and A Day in the Life of a Prep Student via the links below. Our comprehensive Parent Information Booklet may also answer many questions about our approach to and delivery of a quality, holistic primary education for your child.



Virtual Tour A day in the life of a Prep student Parent Information Booklet    




Our Prep Transition Program traditionally covers four orientation sessions at school during October/November, giving children the opportunity to meet their 2026 classroom teachers and experience a taste of school life. 


Communication between the school and home is a vital part of ensuring your child has a seamless and happy start to primary school life.  We have a range of communication options available, aimed at keeping parents, teachers and students informed about all that is happening as the school year unfolds.  Click here to find out how you can join the conversation.


School Tour Enquiry Form





 Year 1

 Year 2

 Year 3

 Year 4

 Year 5

 Year 6



© Copyright Croydon Hills Primary School